Join the mission and eat at least 10% organic this year!
Mission Organic 2010 is an ambitious campaign with an exciting goal: to increase the current market for organic food from 3 percent to 10 percent by 2010.
By growing U.S. organic food sales to
10 percent by 2010, you will help...
Eliminate pesticides from 98 million daily U.S. servings of drinking water.
Assure 20 million daily servings of milk that are produced without antibiotics & genetically modified growth hormones.
Assure 53 million daily servings of pesticide-free fruit and vegetables. (Enough for 10 million kids to have five daily servings.)
Eliminate use of growth hormones, genetically engineered drugs and feeds, and 2.5 million pounds of antibiotics used on livestock annually. (More than twice the amount of antibiotics used to treat human infections.)
Assure that 915 million animals are treated more humanely.
Fight climate change by capturing an additional 6.5 billion pounds of carbon in soil. (That's the equivalent of taking 2 million cars, each averaging 12,000 miles per year, off the road.)
Eliminate 2.9 billion barrels of imported oil annually. (Equal to 406,000 Olympic eight-lane competition pools.)
Restore 25,800 square miles of degraded soils to rich, highly productive cropland. (An amount of land equal to the size of West Virginia.)
Growing U.S. organic food sales to 10 percent by 2010, can improve our personal health by:
Lowering the incidence of neurodevelopmental problems in children, perhaps including ADHD and autism. Abnormal neurodevelopment in children can be caused or made worse by pre-natal and early life exposures to pesticides and chemicals that contaminate our food.
Lowering the number of pre-term deliveries each year. Prematurity is now an epidemic in the United States, affecting one in eight babies. It is a leading cause of developmental problems, and death, in babies.
Virtually eliminating dietary exposures to insecticides known to be developmental neurotoxins, based on the compelling findings reported in two University of Washington studies involving school-age children.
Reducing unwanted interference with our sex hormones, which should reduce the prevalence of erectile dysfunction, the number of people suffering from loss of sexual drive, and reduce a host of estrogen-related health problems.
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